
2024年01月17日 15时 诺亚天泽保险经纪

(编者按:续我司微信公众号12月05日文章《金康2022系列之十一:Demurrage and Despatch》,编者现对销约条款进行解析,与君共勉。)



9.  Cancelling Clause

  1. Should the vessel not be ready to load (whether in berth or not) on the cancelling date indicated in Box 21, the Charterers shall have the option of cancelling this Charter Party.


  2. Should the owners anticipate that, despite the exercise of due diligence, the vessel will not be ready to load by the cancelling date, they shall notify the charterers thereof without delay stating the expected date of the vessel’s readiness to load and asking whether the charterers will exercise their option of cancelling the charter party, or agree to a new cancelling date. Such option must be declared by the charterers within 48 running hours after the receipt of the owners’ notice. If the charterers do not exercise their option of cancelling, then this charter party shall be deemed to be amended such that the seventh day after the new readiness date stated in the owners’ notification to the charterers shall be the new cancelling date. The provisions of sub-clause (b) of this clause shall operate only once, and in case of the vessel’s further delay, the charterers shall have the option of cancelling the charter party as per sub-clause (a) of this clause. 




14.  Cancelling

  1. Without prejudice to subclause (b) below, should the Vessel not have tendered Notice of Readiness at the first or sole port of loading in accordance with Clause 9 (Notice of Readiness) by 23.59hours local time on the cancellation date stated in Box 18, the Charterers shall have the option of cancelling this Charter Party within forty-eight (48) hours after 23.59hours local time on the cancellation date.


  2. Should the Owners anticipate that, despite the exercise of due diligence, the Vessel will not be able to tender such Notice of Readiness at the first or sole port or place of loading by 23.59 hours local time on the cancellation date, they shall notify the Charterers accordingly without delay, stating when the Vessel is expected to be able to tender Notice of Readiness and asking whether the Charterers will exercise their option of cancelling the Charter Party, or agree to a new cancellation date on 23.59 hours local time on the date notified by the Owners. Such option must be declared by the Charterers within forty-eight (48) hours after the receipt of the Owners' notice or by 23.59hours local time on the cancellation date, whichever is the earlier. If the Charterers do not exercise their option of cancelling, then the proposed new cancellation date shall replace the cancellation date stated in Box 18. The provisions of this subclause (b) shall operate only once, and if the Vessel shall not have tendered Notice of Readiness in accordance with Clause 9 (Notice of Readiness) by 23.59hours local time on such new cancellation date, the Charterers shall have the option of cancelling this Charter Party within forty-eight (48) hours after 23.59hours local time on the new cancellation date.


  3. The provisions of this Clause and the exercise or non-exercise by the Charterers of their rights under this Clause shall not prejudice any claims which the Owners or the Charterers may have against each other.



  1. (a)款规定如船舶在解约日午夜前未提交准备就绪通知,租家有权选择解除合同,但其选择声明必须在解约日2359时后的48小时内做出。金康94就此未做明示约定,默示的地位是租家要在合理时间内做出选择,容易出现争议。


  2. (b)款是BIMCO的标准询问条款(interpellation clause),用于处理船舶明显将错过解约日的情形。条款要求“租家在收到船东询问通知48小时内或解约日2359时前是否行使解除合同的选择权(以早者为准)”比金康94规定的“收到船东通知48小时内”时间范围更窄,更有利于船东。需要注意的是,询问要严格按照条款的要求,即船东说明船舶没法赶上解约日,告知预计提交NOR的时间,并请租家宣告是否解除租约,或是另去同意一个新的解约日。如果没有依照这些要求,会不被视为该条款下的询问,租家也没有回答的责任。(The “Helvetia-S” (1960) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 540)


  3. (b)款规定租家可以选择接受船东提议的新的解约日或者解除租约,而金康94中规定新的解约日被认为是船东给出的新的准备就绪日后的第7天,新规定更为灵活,更符合实际商业操作。  


  4. (c)款是新增条款,规定是否根据本条款行使解除合同选择权的行为不影响任何一方对另一方提出的任何损害索赔要求。



14. 解约

  1. 无损于下列(b)款,如果船舶未能按照第9条(准备就绪通知条款)规定在第一个或唯一装货港(地)于第18栏载明的解约日当地时间2359时前递交准备就绪通知,租家有权选择在解约日当地时间2359时后四十八(48)小时内解除本租约。


  2. 如船东预计即使尽到合理谨慎船舶也无法在第一或唯一装货港(地)于解约日当地时间2359时前递交准备就绪通知,其应无迟延地通知租家,说明船舶预计何时才能递交准备就绪通知并询问租家是否行使其解除本租约的选择权,或者就船东通知的日期当地时间2359时达成新解约日。该选择权之行使须在租家收到船东通知后四十八(48)小时内或解约日当地时间2359时前,以早者为准。如租家未行使选择权解除本租约,那么船东提出的新解约日将代替第18栏载明解约日。本(b)款规定仅运行一次,如船舶未按第9条(准备就绪通知)在此新解约日当地时间2359时前递交准备就绪通知,租家有权选择在新解约日当地时间2359时后的四十八(48)小时内解除本租约。


  3. 本条款及租家是否行使本条赋予的选择权不损害船东与租家互相提出的任何索赔。




2.Julien Rabeux《The new GENCON 2022 charterparty》











