【专栏】金康2022系列之十一:Demurrage and Despatch

2023年12月15日 16时 航运界网

(编者按:续诺亚天泽保险经纪微信公众号11月14日文章《金康2022系列之十:The Running of Laytime》,编者现对滞期费和速遣费条款进行解析,与君共勉。)

7.  Demurrage
Demurrage at the loading and discharging port is payable by the charterers at the rate stated in Box 20 in the manner stated in Box 20 per day or pro rata for any part of a day. Demurrage shall fall due day by day and shall be payable upon receipt of the owners’ invoice. In the event the demurrage is not paid in accordance with the above, the owners shall give the charterers 96 running hours written notice to rectify the failure. If the demurrage is not paid at the expiration of this time limit and if the vessel is in or at the loading port, the owners are entitled at any time to terminate the charter party and claim damages for any losses caused thereby.

13. Demurrage and Despatch
(a)  Demurrage shall be payable by the charterers at the rate stated in Box 19 and dispatch shall be payable by the owners at half the demurrage rate on all laytime saved.
(b) Except as provided otherwise, demurrage shall accrue continuously and without interruption save where, and then only to the extent that, time is actually lost to the charterers by the vessel not being available to perform the service immediately required unless caused by the act or omission of the charterers or their servants, agents or subcontractors.
(c)  Demurrage shall fall due day by day and shall be payable upon receipt of the owners’ invoice.

3.根据并入金康2022的BIMCO装卸时间定义2013的第30条关于滞期费的定义,除非租约中有明确约定,滞期费不受适用于装卸时间的免责条款限制。例如金康96第6(c)款中的“Time used in moving from the place of waiting to the loading/discharging berth shall not count as laytime.”是一条针对装卸时间的免责条款,却是不足以停止计算滞期费的。而根据“once on demurrage, always on demurrage”的原则,如果没有相反的约定,进入滞期后船舶从待泊地点航行到装卸泊位的这段时间就需要计入滞期,即租家要承担相应的滞期费。


13. 滞期费和速遣费


2. Julien Rabeux《The new GENCON 2022 charterparty》


