【专栏】金康2022系列之十:The Running of Laytime

2023年12月13日 17时 诺亚天泽保险经纪

(编者按:续诺亚天泽微信公众号10月24日文章《金康2022系列之九:Laytime & Commencement of Laytime》,编者现对装卸时间的计算条款进行解析,与君共勉。)


12. The Running of Laytime

  1. Shifting: In the event that the vessel is required to load or discharge at a second or subsequent berth at the same port or place, or to shift out of and back to the same berth, other than for the owners’ purposes, shifting time between the berths shall count as laytime or time on demurrage and any related tug and pilot expenses shall be for the account of the charterers.
  2. Environmental: Any delay in loading or discharging arising out of environmental or public health concerns relating to the cargo shall count as laytime or time on demurrage, and all related expenses, including measures for dust suppression, shall be for the account of the charterers.
  3. Completion of cargo operation: Laytime or time on demurrage shall run continuously until completion of cargo operations, which includes the removal of any stevedores’ equipment from the vessel. The charterers shall be permitted three hours after completion of cargo operations at each loading port or place in which to provide a full set of accurate cargo documents. If the vessel is prevented from sailing upon the expiry of that period as a result of awaiting a full set of accurate cargo documents, laytime or time on demurrage shall recommence and run until such documents are received. 






4.需要强调下普通法的地位是,租家对收/发货人的不合理延误船舶开航不负代理人责任,除非租家违反租约项下的明示或默示义务。伦敦仲裁LMLN No.204(1987)涉及了收货人要求船东代理去延误船舶的清关,可能是为了去确认卸上岸的货物的状况与数量是否妥善后才“放行”。这把船期延误了28小时。仲裁庭接受这是一个不适当的做法,但不认为租家要对收货人的行为负责,所以船东索赔滞期损失失败。


12. 装卸时间的计算

  1. 移泊:如船舶须在同一港口或地点的第二个或后续泊位装货或卸货,或者移出后又移回到同一泊位,且非为船东目的,移泊时间应计入装卸时间或滞期时间,任何相关拖轮费和引航费应由租家承担。

  2. 环保:在装货或卸货过程中与货物相关的环保或公共健康考虑引起的任何迟延应计入装卸时间或滞期时间,所有相关费用均应由租家承担,包括除尘所采取的措施。

  3. 货物作业结束:装卸时间或滞期时间应持续计算,直至货物作业结束,包括从船上移除装卸设备。租家在货物作业结束后有三个小时在装货港(地)递交全套准确的货物文件。如船舶届时因等待全套准确的货物文件而无法开航,则装卸时间或滞期时间应继续计算直至收到上述文件。


参考文献: Julien Rabeux《The new GENCON 2022 charterparty》




