【BIMCO网络研讨会】EU ETS新规及BIMCO 碳排放交易计划配额期租条款(ETSA Clause)

2022年09月27日 17时 BIMCO

Webinar: The BIMCO Emission Trading Scheme Allowances (ETSA) Clause for Time Charter Parties (for Asia)


  • Starts: 14 October 2022

  • Time: 15:00-16:00 Singapore and Shanghai time (07:00-08:00 UTC)

  • City: Online

  • Contact person: Wei Zhuang

  • Contact email: zw@bimco.org


  • 日期:10月14日 2022年(星期五)

  • 时间:15:00-16:00 (北京时间)

  • 举办方式:线上会议

  • 联系人:庄炜先生

  • 联系方式:zw@bimco.org


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Following a welcome address from Deputy Secretary General of China Shipowners' Association, Mr. Shouguo Zhang, Stinne Taiger Ivø, Director, Contracts & Support, BIMCO and Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General, BIMCO will explain the BIMCO ETSA Clause, and the regulatory framework provided by the revision of the ETS Directive.

首先,此次会议由中国船东协会常务副会长张守国先生致欢迎词,BIMCO合同与建议部门负责人Stinne Taiger Ivø女士与BIMCO副秘书长Lars Robert Pedersen先生一起,就BIMCO碳排放交易计划配额(ETSA)条款以及欧盟修订的碳交易体系(ETS)指令监管框架进行解释。


The negotiations on the EU emission trading scheme (ETS) have not yet been finalised, but the current proposal will have an impact on charterers, owners, shipmanagers and other stakeholders. The clause is published and can already be incorporated into charter parties now, but how the EU ETS will work in practice is yet to be seen.

EU ETS的谈判尚未最终敲定,但是目前的提议将对承租人、船东、船舶管理人和其他利益相关者产生影响。该条款现已公布,可以并入租船条款,但EU ETS将如何在实践中发挥作用尚有待观察。


During this webinar, Stinne and Lars Robert will discuss the applicability of the BIMCO ETSA Clause and the potential industry consequences when the EU ETS  enters into force.

在本次网络研讨会上,Stinne女士和Lars Robert先生将讨论BIMCO ETSA条款的适用性以及EU ETS生效后对行业的潜在影响。


This is event is supported by the China Shipowners' Association.


