
2022年03月14日 11时 航运界网



Built on Trust  信心
Steered by Innovation  创新
Driven by Passion  热情



Operations Officer 操作主任


  • College degree or above, international shipping or related majors preferred

  • Good understanding of the time charter-party and voyage charter-party

  • At least 1 year of relevant work experience, excellent graduates will also be considered

  • Good command of spoken and written English

  • Good communication skills and team spirit

  • Able to learn effectively

  • Confident, flexible, experienced and able to think out of the box

  • 大专及以上学历,国际航运或相关专业者优先

  • 对期租和航租业务的相关协议与工作流程有良好的了解

  • 至少1年相关岗位工作经验,优秀应届生亦可

  • 熟练的英文口语及书面表达能力

  • 良好的沟通交流团队协作能力

  • 良好的学习能力

  • 自信独立但不固执己见,阅历丰富但不墨守成规

A) Assisting with chartering activities 协助租船事务

  • Providing updated vessel particulars (with assistance from the technical dept), especially for speed/consumption profile

  • To prepare & update for various questionnaire if any, with assistance from the technical department

  • To review the CP terms and negotiate the best terms on behalf of owners

  • 在机务部门协助下更新维护船舶参数信息,尤其是航速/油耗相关信息

  • 在机务部门协助下准备以及更新各种相关调查表

  • 代表船东审核租约条款,为船东争取最大利益


B) Assisting with S&P activities 协助买卖船事务

  • To provide the required vessel information to the potential buyers, with assistance from the technical department

  • To follow up various pre-sale matter with the potential buyers, such as class record release, pre-purchase inspection arrangement etc.

  • To review the MOA terms and assist the negotiation on the terms on behalf of owners

  • To ensure smooth delivery of the vessel and closing under the MOA by jointly cooperating with other departments, inaccordance with the MOA

  • 在机务部门协助下为目标客户提供船舶相关信息

  • 跟进和处理各项售前事项,包括船级社记录的发布,买卖船前的检验安排等

  • 代表船东审核MOA条款,为船东争取最大利益

  • 协同其他部门确保船舶严格按照MOA条款顺利有序交付


C)   Post-fixture operations 租船操作事项

  • On behalf of owners, ensure successful execution of time charter and/or voyage charter by coordinating all other internal departments

  • In accordance with the agreed charter-party, to issue general instruction to master of vessel, ensure vessels informed of key requirements

  • To maintain accurate charter hire statement, plus record keeping for all off-hire claims and disputes or performance claims

  • To appoint agents for owner’s husbandry jobs and vet port agency disbursements accounts

  • To maintain the documentation in the Company’s internal system as per Manager’s requirement

  • To review voyage performance monthly, quarterly and yearly for managed vessels

  • Ad hoc tasks as assigned by department head

  • 根据租约的航速/油耗进行船舶月度,季度,年度航次性能审查

  • 代表船东,协调公司其他部门确保起租及航次租船业务的顺利有效执行

  • 向船舶发布常规指令,确保船舶知晓关键要求并严格按照议定开展商务操作

  • 准确维护和记录的租船声明,以及停租和运营索赔/争议

  • 指派船东代理完成靠港事务,审查港口代理支出账户

  • 按照部门经理的要求维护部门文件的归档工作

  • 完成部门经理交办的其他工作

Port Captain 驻埠船长

  • Marine Master’s license, 3 years Chief Officer’s experience or above

  • Good command of spoken and written English

  • College degree or above

  • Good communication skills and team spirit

  • Able to learn effectively

  • Confident, flexible, experienced and able to think out of the box

  • Experience of Port Captain preferred

  • A类船长证书, 3年大副及以上职位资历

  • 熟练的英文口语及书面表达能力

  • 大专及以上学历

  • 良好的沟通交流及团队协作能力

  • 良好的学习能力

  • 自信独立但不固执己见,阅历丰富但不墨守成规

  • 有驻埠船长经验者优先



  • To monitor and supervising of ship cargo related operations, such as cargo hold/tank preparation, cargo stowage plan, cargoloading/discharging, cargo care during the voyage etc.

  • To monitor ship speed and consumption performance and guiding crew for optimisation

  • To guide captain on commercial operations and loss prevention for vessels, and provide training to ship staff when necessary

  • Ship visits for inspection and crew training

  • Ad hoc tasks as assigned by department head

  • 监管船舶管货物相关操作;例如备舱,配载计划,装卸货,航行期间货物安全

  • 跟踪船舶速度油耗,指导船员进行相关优化调整

  • 指导船长船舶商务操作及防止货损,以及给船上人员提供必要的相关培训

  • 定期访船做船况检查及船员培训

  • 完成部门经理交办的其他工作


