
2021年09月03日 17时 BIMCO

BIMCO is launching a new survey with the aim of gathering information from shipowners about the effectiveness of their anti-fouling systems (AFS). The information gathered will help BIMCO provide factual information to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) about biofouling management in practice.
The topic of biofouling is increasingly on the agenda at the IMO and several national governments. The existing IMO guidelines on biofouling (Resolution MEPC.207(62) – 2011 Guidelines for the control and management of ships’ biofouling to minimise the transfer of invasive species) are currently under review.
BIMCO is actively involved in the revision of the guidelines and is seeking to ensure that the revised guidelines remain practical for shipowners. To build our argumentation on facts, BIMCO has developed a questionnaire to collect shipowners’ views on the practices of biofouling management, especially the use and effectiveness of anti-fouling systems (AFS) and in-water cleaning.
BIMCO encourages shipowners - both members and non-members - to take part in the survey, as this will help us build a robust argumentation when it comes to help improving the biofouling regulations.
BIMCO Biofouling Survey 2021
Dear Survey respondent,
BIMCO has developed a questionnaire on Biofouling and seeks your input to the same.
Biofouling is increasingly getting traction at IMO and several other national governments. The IMO guidelines on biofouling (Resolution MEPC.207(62) – 2011 Guidelines for the control and management of ships’ biofouling to minimize the transfer of invasive species) is being reviewed with a view to make it more robust.  
BIMCO is taking an active part in this work with the aim that the revised guidelines remain practical for the shipowner. To build our argumentation on facts, BIMCO has developed a questionnaire, which aims to collect your views on the practices of biofouling management and in-water cleaning, to get an overview of the current biofouling management practices in the industry.
The questionnaire is short and should take less than 5 minutes to complete.
Confidentiality and data protection management of information
We will use the information you provide for the purposes mentioned above only. The specific details you provide in the questionnaire will be published in a completely anonymous way. Only a statistical analysis of the survey’s results will be shared with an aim to improve the biofouling guidelines for the benefit of shipowners.
Your contact information will be added to the BIMCO membership database if it is not already there. BIMCO will not pass on your personal information to third parties.
By completing and submitting this questionnaire, you have given us your consent to keep and use your personal information in accordance with this notice. We will send a copy of the statistical analysis to respondents.
Thank you for participating. The survey will be closed on 1 October 2021.
Should you need assistance in completing the questionnaire, please contact
