2021年05月24日 10时 达飞轮船中国
- 5月18日,达飞中国首席执行官何律铎先生陪同法国驻华大使及代表团一行参观了上海洋山四期自动化码头。
- 该码头是目前世界上最大的自动化码头。
- 作为全球航运和物流领导者,在过去的几十年里,达飞集团与上海国际港务集团建立了强有力的合作关系。
- On May 18th, the CMA CGM China CEO Ludovic RENOU visited the Shanghai Yangshan Phase IV automated terminal at the SIPG with the French Ambassador to China and a delegation from the French Embassy in China.
- This terminal is currently the largest of its kind around the world.
- The CMA CGM Group, a world leader in shipping and logistics, has had a strong collaborative relationship with SIPG over decades.
Mr. Gu Jinshan, Chairman of SIPG, expressed his warm welcome to the French delegation and the CMA CGM Group. During the tour, the delegation was taken through the port where they witnessed how automation is driving the industry firsthand.
Mr. Gu also introduced how SIPG developed and maintains the world's largest port, and the technological innovations in port automation. Cranes and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are guided by a network of transmitters embedded in the ground that keep everything running smoothly.