
2020年04月14日 09时 航运界



在高度一体化的当下,几乎没有国家和地区可以独善其身。相反地,伴随着各种光怪陆离的挤兑潮在全球各大城市陆续上演,股市、债市、货币乃至黄金市场的跌宕起伏让人不寒而栗;大家开始担心全球的冬天和全球化的冬天会否在2019这个超级暖冬之后迅速上演?若临冬将至,不知近些年来“方兴未艾”的反全球化浪潮会否在疫情过后更呈燎原之势。福兮,祸兮;在一切的不确定中,我们的航运业步履蹒跚。这个数百年来未曾衰败的行业, 始终站在全球化的风口浪尖。它使于海洋国家的跨国贸易、兴盛自大航海时代,从来都是世界史的重要见证者。近些年来, 无论是多国博弈下的中东局势、还是为避免全球暖化作努力的限硫令、亦或是在新冠疫情下风雨飘摇的全球经济,都在航运业的发展上留下了烙印。






Ian Gooch先生作为协会CEO亲笔致信我们的会员和合作伙伴

A message from our CEO:


We are delighted to be launching the London P&I Club's WeChat account. We do so at a time when we face a range of serious challenges to health and economic welfare from Co-vid 19 -  a period which has emphatically highlighted the importance of strong communication between us all.


Our Club has always attached significance to the way in which we maintain contact with members and other friends - this helps us, for example, to gain direct insights into how we can work to provide the best P&I service and support. Face to face meetings and work-shops or seminars are a central part of this but so too is our use of social media. And our establishment of the Club's WeChat account, to supplement our output on LinkedIn and Twitter, as well as our Chinese StopLoss and Club News publications, reflects our particular wish to engage with our Chinese members and other friends in a way which we hope you will find convenient and that will further strengthen our existing lines of communication.


We hope that you will find the news that we post here of developments at the Club, our products and across the broader industry, to be of interest. As ever our team will be pleased to receive your feedback on this and on any matters which it would be helpful for the Club to cover here or elsewhere. In the meantime, our best wishes to you all - and please stay safe.
