
2020年03月20日 11时 航运界





英国劳氏船级社全球总裁及首席执行官Mr. Alastair Marsh 表示,“作为一家与中国合作超过150年的船级社,我们非常珍视这段长期且深刻的情谊。我们一直密切关注中方为防止新冠病毒疫情传播所做的努力。毋庸置疑,这是充满挑战的时刻,对那些痛失所爱的人们以及在抗击第一线辛勤工作的医护人员来说,更是如此。








Lloyd’s Register, one of the world’s leading providers of professional services for engineering and technology, has donated RMB 1 million to the Yangtze River Shipping General Hospital in Wuhan, which is at the frontline of the fight against COVID-19.


The donation will be directed to Yangtze River Shipping General Hospital in Wuhan by the Red Cross Charity of China, Beijing Branch.


Alastair Marsh, Group Chief Executive of Lloyd’s Register, said: “Lloyd’s Register has worked with China for more than 150 years and we value our long and significant relationship. We have been closely watching the efforts being undertaken to contain the spread of the coronavirus. There is no doubt that these are challenging times, especially for those who have lost loved ones, as well as for the medical workers serving so tirelessly in the fight against this disease.


“Lloyd’s Register stands firmly together with the Chinese people and would like to support the prevention and control of the situation in China.”


He added: “I would also like to pay tribute to the Chinese government for its response to this difficult situation and the many measures it has taken to control the spread of the coronavirus. We believe that under the strong leadership of the Chinese government and through the joint efforts of the government and its people, the outbreak will soon be brought under control.”


Lloyd’s Register, which has 600 employees in Greater China, sent its first surveyor to Shanghai in 1869. Safety has always been at the core of what Lloyd’s Register does. Since the outbreak of COVID-19,we have followed the guidance of the authorities to ensure the welfare of our employees and their families. Our offices are open but with reduced staffing with many office-based personnel working remotely. Work on yards and clients’ sites has resumed and we continue to monitor the situation.
