第一次!CGTN连线航运企业 ,探讨疫情当下行业的应对策略

2020年02月20日 09时 航运界网

2月18日中午12:30,中央电视台国际新闻频道《Global Watch》(环球瞭望)栏目对环世物流集团国际运营中心总经理许中华进行了现场直播采访,此次采访的重点是解读新冠疫情对中国航运和物流业所带来的影响以及应对之策。

中国国际电视台新闻频道Global Watch《环球瞭望》作为一档国际新闻栏目,与BBC,CNN,半岛电视台和今日俄罗斯等国际主流媒体并驾齐驱,是英文频道“国际事件的中国视角”的最佳诠释。栏目观众以外交使节、在华外籍商务人士、外企白领人士、部分企事业单位中高层决策者以及在校大学生等为主体。此次《环球瞭望》的采访,不仅体现国家对外贸和国际航运行业的重视,也体现了环世物流集团在行业中的影响力和资深地位。


Q1. China is a key link in the global supply chain. So how will the outbreak affect the country's international shipping and logistics industry?


Yes, as you said, China is a key link in the global supply chain. As an international shipping logistics industry serving the supply chain, it naturally has an important position. The negative impact of the new coronavirus epidemic on China's international shipping logistics industry is comprehensive and in-depth. Affected by the epidemic situation, the resumption of foreign trade factories in China is relatively poor, and it will still take several weeks to gradually resume production. The regions affected by the Coronavirus account for more than 80% of China's GDP and more than 90% of China's total export. For the international sea-freight container transportation, the Coronavirus would reduce the container volume of Chinese ports (including Hong Kong) by more than 6 million TEU in the first quarter of 2020. Global container throughput growth is expected to decline at least 0.7% this year. Weekly container vessel arrivals data collected at China's major ports show that the number of containers has fallen by more than 20% since January 20th. However, from the perspective of the timing, as the Christmas and new year consumption peak season in western countries and Spring Festival holiday in China have just passed. Therefore, the growth rate of export data in the first quarter was as low as normal, which covered up the downturn in the international shipping market to a certain extent.

Q2. What has been done, and what still needs to be done to mitigate the coronavirus' effect on this sector?


First of all, the international container liner carriers have implemented large-scale Capacity Control, Blank Sailing. In the first week after the festival, the proportion of the suspended capacity exceeds 50%, and the proportion in the second week also reached 40%. The second half of Feb are expected to reach at least 30%; secondly, in order to make up the huge economic losses, the main carriers implemented a relatively strong Pricing Policy in February, and they announced the General Rate Increase and raised the bunker surcharge further in March; Thirdly, carriers generally slowed down their fleet speed, to reduce operating costs such as fuel consumption, and meet the restrictions of those countries such as United States and Australia for a 14 day quarantine period; Finally, some carriers put their Space Allocation into Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asian markets to improve the current poor loading factor. For international logistics enterprises, in the face of the negative impact of Coronavirus, what we need to do is to deeply understand and study the changes of customers' requirement, and focus on strengthening the application ability of digital, online and visible systems. In the case of home isolation and unable to work in the office normally, we need more remote communication tools, a stronger and open IT System. At the same time, we hope the paperless and automation level of the whole industry can be further improved.

