粤港澳大湾区及海事教育和培训发展论坛 - 合作与共赢

2019年11月08日 11时 航运界网

Joint Forum on

The Development of Greater Bay Area in Maritime Education and Training – Cooperation and Win-Win

粤港澳大湾区及海事教育和培训发展论坛 - 合作与共赢

日期: 2019年11月17日(星期天)
Sunday, 17th November 2019
时间: 2.00-6.00pm
地点:  启德邮轮码头A候船厅
             Hall A, Kai Tak Cruise Terminal

Free shuttle boat: Pier No. 9, Central at 1.00pm & 1.30pm respectively
In February this year, the State Council promulgated the "Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area Development Plan", and the central government clearly stated the target requirements for "building a dynamic and internationally competitive first-class bay area." The construction of the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay area involves one country, two systems, three customs zones, and three currencies, which is facing a lot of new challenges in the process of development which other Bay Areas in the world do not have experienced. It is a new practice to promote the development of the "One Country, Two Systems" and to integrate Hong Kong into the overall development of the country. This forum aims to explore the opportunities brought about by the development of the GBA to promote and enhance maritime education and training in Hong Kong, and how to guide young people in Hong Kong to seize the opportunities and plan for their future career.
1.30pm Registration 会议注册
Forum MC to introduce VIP guests and to announce the start of the forum
主持人 1 大连海事大学港澳校友会常务副会长兼秘书长 李连君先生 
Moderator 1: Mr. Lianjun Li, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of
DMU Hong Kong and Macau Alumni Association
开幕词   Opening speech
2.00pm Dr. Raymond So, Under Secretary for Transport and Housing
运输及房屋局副局长 苏伟文博士
欢迎词 Welcome speech
2.15pm Mr. Jack Hsu, Chairman of HK Shipowners Association
香港船东会主席 许积皋先生
主旨演讲 Key note speeches
2.30pm 我国海事教育的现在和未来
The current situation and future prospects of Maritime Education and Training in China
大连海事大学 孙培庭原副校长、校务委员会主任
Prof. Sun Peiting, former vice president and university council chairman of Dalian Maritime University (DMU)
2.45pm 沪港携手,推进国际海事教育新发展
Hong Kong and Shanghai join in hands for the development of international maritime education
上海海事大学 门妍萍副书记
Mdm. Men Yanping, Deputy Party Secretary,
Shanghai Maritime University (SMU)
3.00pm 粤港澳大湾区供应链研究院执行院长 邱国宣先生
Mr. Qiu Guoxuan, Executive President, GBA Supply Chain Institute
3.15pm 香港投资推广署运输及工业主管 王国藩先生
Mr. Benjamin Wong, Head of Transport and Industrial,
Invest Hong Kong
3:30pm 茶歇Coffee break
主持人 2: 上海海事大学香港校友会常务副会长兼秘书长 冯佳培先生
Moderator 2: Mr. Gilbert Feng, Deputy Chairman and Secretary General of SMU Hong Kong Alumni Association
4:00pm 航运服务业选择因素分析
Analyzing the major factors for the location of maritime service businesses
香港理工大学海事图书馆暨研发中心项目经理 李梦驰女士 
Ms. Jessica Li, Project Manager, Maritime Library and R&D Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
4.15pm 借鉴香港经验,促进粤港澳大湾区海事教育和培训事业协同发展
The Promotion of Coordinated Development of Maritime Education and Training in Greater Bay Area
上海国际航运研究中心秘书长 真虹教授
Prof. Zhen Hong, Shanghai International Shipping Institute
4:30pm 服务香港海事领域,共同发展,合作共赢
Serving the maritime industry in Hong Kong for mutual development and win-win
大连海事大学成人教育学院副院长 刘顺先生
Prof. Liu Shun, Deputy Dean, Continuing Education School, Dalian Maritime University
4:45pm 香港邮轮及游艇业协会执行董事 杨梓程女士
Ms. Kara Yeung, Executive Director, Hong Kong Cruise and Yacht Industry Association
5:00pm 演讲嘉宾对话环节
Dialogue with guest speakers
- Hong Kong’s active participation in the maritime education and training in Greater Bay Area
Panelists: 香港海员工会主席 张世添先生
Mr. Cheung Sai Teng, Chairman of Hong Kong Seamen’s Union
香港领港会前任主席 罗冠斌先生
Mr. Marso Law, Past Chairman of Hong Kong Pilot Association
上海国际航运研究中心秘书长 真虹教授
Prof. Zhen Hong, Shanghai International Shipping Institute
招商局能源运输股份有限公司总法律顾问 邹盈颖博士
Dr. Zou Yingying, General Counsel, China Merchants Energy Shipping
大连海事大学成人教育学院副院长 刘顺先生
Prof. Liu Shun, Deputy Dean, Continuing Education School, DMU
香港邮轮及游艇业协会执行董事 杨梓程女士
Ms. Kara Yeung, Executive Director, Hong Kong Cruise and Yacht Industry Association
香港理工大学海事图书馆暨研发中心项目主任 李梦驰女士 
Ms. Jessica Li, Project Officer, Maritime Library and R&D Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
6:00pm 大会司仪宣布会议结束
Forum MC announce the conclusion of the Forum
Registration fee:   Free
报名费用: 免费
Online registration: www.hksoa.org or hksoa apps (HKSOA members only)
Registration: Please complete the attached registration form and fax to 25298246 or email: hksoa@hksoa.org
报名方式 : 请填妥附件报名表并传真或电邮至 25298246 或 hksoa@hksoa.org
Mr. Gilbert Feng: Tel: 28653837, 61988158
Ms. Peggy Kan: Tel: 25200206
Jointly sponsored by:
The Hong Kong Shipowners Association
The Hong Kong Maritime Museum
Jointly organized by:
Shanghai Maritime University Hong Kong Alumni Association
Dalian Maritime University Hong Kong & Macau Alumni Association
PolyU Maritime Library and R&D Centre
Beyond Shipping

