APL Wins ‘Fuel Efficiency Award’ at Seatrade Maritime Awards Asia 2019

2019年07月01日 10时 航运界

APL, part of the CMA CGM Group, clinched the ‘Fuel Efficiency Award’ at the Seatrade Maritime Awards Asia 2019 last Friday. This accolade celebrates APL’s achievements in driving fuel efficiency of its vessel fleet.

APL Chief Executive Officer, Lars Kastrup said, “APL is proud to be the winner of this category that signifies operational excellence. This mark of distinction is an affirmation of our fleet operation management that has continually delivered fuel efficiency and lowered our global carbon footprint, in line with the CMA CGM Group’s efforts.”

APL’s fuel efficiency strategy combines the adoption of technical and technology solutions; consolidation of services; operational excellence; and stakeholder collaborations.

Driving operational efficiencies, APL practises slow-steaming, optimises fleet and voyage; and deploys a fuel-efficient fleet of vessels. APL also adopts a rigorous maintenance regime as it identifies solutions to continually improve vessel fleet performance.

With round-the-clock support from ashore and advanced route optimisation systems onboard APL’s vessel fleet, ship officers have been able to make the most efficient navigational decisions with the dynamic data captured in the systems.

Coupled with the conscientious sea and shoreside coordination with some 200 terminals where its vessels call, APL has been able to effectively reduce port stay and idle time of its vessel fleet. This enables APL to keep practising slow-steaming, thereby reducing fuel consumption while still upholding APL’s schedule integrity and on-time performance.
