
2019年02月18日 12时 航运界

职位:  高级分析师(港航方向)



1. 负责对全球经济和产业发展的基本面进行紧密跟踪,关注产业政策和影响商品市场的最新动态,并分析其对国际和国内贸易的影响。

2. 对全球港口和航运市场的动态及趋势进行追踪和判断,对行业内重点企业的发展持续关注,进行分析和研究,形成观点和结论。

3. 对重点细分市场或目标公司进行深度研究,并参与撰写行业研究报告。

4. 参与具体的咨询项目,撰写战略研究、市场研究、尽职调查、投资可行性分析等类型的报告。

5. 对全球港口网络,航运网络,全球干散、液散和集装箱船队,造船厂的建造能力、手持订单情况等进行分析和研究,负责各领域数据库的积累和更新。

1. 毕业于交通运输、经济贸易、港航工程、规划设计等专业,具备3-5年在港航企业或分析机构的工作经验。

2. 对全球港口和航运市场有一定了解;认真细致,善于分析,热爱研究工作。

3. 具备良好的沟通技巧,与客户建立稳定的合作关系并维护客户。

4. 较强的表达能力,能出色地向客户汇报展示研究成果。

5. 本科及以上学历。有海外工作经历者优先。

6. 熟练运用Word,Excel,PowerPoint等办公软件。

7. 英语口语与书写流利,以英语作为工作语言。



Position:  Senior Analyst(port & shipping)

Key responsibilities:
This Senior Analyst position will be responsible for industry analysis, reports writing and specific consulting projects: 

1. Monitor fundamental economic and industrial developments, government policies and other factors impacting commodity markets, and analyse its impact on domestic and international trade.

2. Track dynamics and judge on trends of the global port and shipping markets, closely monitoring status and developments of key players in the industries, keep doing analysis and research, and draw conclusions.

3. Conduct researches with deep insights on key market segments or target companies, and output professional research reports.

4. To be involved in specific consulting projects and write reports of strategy proposal, market study, due diligence, and investment feasibility analysis etc.

5. Research on global port portfolio, shipping networks, global dry bulk fleets, liquid bulk fleets and container fleets, capacity and orderbooks of global key shipyards as well, and continuously update related databases.

To succeed in this role, you will have:

1. 3-5 years working experience relevant with port and shipping companies as well as research institutions, and a range of academic qualifications will be considered to make up the complement of the analytical team (business, engineering, economics, commerce, mathematics, programming, etc).

2. Qualified with good understanding of port and shipping markets; be fond of analysis and independent research.

3. An ability to build up and maintain good relationships with clients.

4. Excellent communication skills to enable the presentation of complex information and analysis results to clients.

5. Bachelor degree or above. Overseas experience preferred.

6. Skilful use of Word, Excel, PowerPoint.

7. Business level for both written and oral English.

Resume please send to:china@drewry.co.uk
