Embrace new opportunities-Ocean Alliance released Day3 product, would extend partnership

2019年01月16日 21时 Beyond Shipping

According to exclusively news from Beyond Shipping, Ocean Alliance released the Day3 product today. The agreement signing for the next Five-Year cooperation will be held tomorrow morning in BoAo Hainan,China.
In the last press release in 2016, head of the Alliance said new member would not included in the first Five-Year partnership.As we predict, it can be seen that there would not newcomers within ten years till 2027. However, there might have new partners to enchance feeder routes outside the Alliance.
In detail, the DAY3 product in 2019 is based on the 2018 of the Ocean Alliance to continue to improve and optimize the route layout, with a total investment of 3.86 million TEU. The alliance will provide a wider, better, faster and more stable route in the following areas. product.
7 Far East to and from the North-West Europe route
Through the optimization of the route group, the Ocean Alliance provides 7 sets of European routes, providing more complete network coverage with a more streamlined port, providing customers with diversified choices with higher frequency, faster delivery and more stable service. The advantageous resources of transit ports such as Bruges, Rotterdam, Gdansk and its own feeder network services provide efficient and convenient access to Bilbao, Ireland, the Baltic region of Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Lithuania and other countries, as well as Finland. More comprehensive network coverage in countries such as Russia.
AEU1: Shanghai - Ningbo - Xiamen - Yantian - Singapore - Suez Canal - Felixstowe - Zeebrugge - Gdansk - Wilhelmshaven - Piraeus - Suez Canal - Port Klang - Hong Kong - Shanghai
AEU3: Tianjin - Dalian - Qingdao - Shanghai - Ningbo - Singapore - Suez Canal - Piraeus - Rotterdam - Hamburg - Antwerp - Rotterdam - Suez Canal - Shanghai - Tianjin
AEU7: Xiamen - Nansha - Hong Kong - Yantian - Gemei - Port Klang - Suez Canal - Piraeus - Hamburg - Rotterdam - Zeebrugge - Felixstowe - Suez Canal - Singapore - Yantian - Xiamen
AEU2: Busan - Ningbo - Shanghai - Yantian - Singapore - Suez Canal - Algeciras - Southampton - Dunkirk - Hamburg - Rotterdam - Southampton - Le Havre - Malta - Suez Canal - Jebel Ali-Klang-Xiamen-Busan
AEU6:Qingdao-Ningbo-Shanghai-Yantian-Game-Singapore-Suez Canal-Le Havre-Rotterdam-Hamburg-Antwerp-Le Havre-Algeciras-Suez Canal-Klang Port-Nansha-Qingdao
AEU5: Kaohsiung - Qingdao - Ningbo - Shanghai - Taipei - Yantian - Tanjung Palapas - Suez Canal - Rotterdam - Felixstowe - Hamburg - Rotterdam - Suez Canal - Colombo - Tanjung Pelepas - Kaohsiung
AEU9: Shanghai-Ningbo-Kaohsiung-Shekou-Colombo-Suez Canal-Antwerp-Hamburg-Rotterdam-Suez Canal-Klang-Shanghai
5 Far East to and from the Mediterranean route
17 Asian ports, 23 Mediterranean ports, five special lines: 2 groups of West, 1 group of Black Sea, 1 group of Israel and 1 group of Adriatic Sea provide the most extensive direct coverage in the market, Adriatic in 2019 Sea line upgrades continue to deepen investment in market segments. At the same time, the Mediterranean route is based on the perfect self-owned regional network service coverage of the port of Piraeus and the Central European land and sea express line business, providing efficient and convenient multi-frequency northward extension to the Czech Republic, Hungary and other countries, south to Egypt, Israel Developed networks from west to Spain, North Africa, and east to Turkey.
AEM1: Qingdao-Shanghai-Ningbo-Kaohsiung-Hong Kong-Yantian-Singapore-Suez Canal-Piraeus-La Spezia-Genoa-Fos-Valencia-Piraeus-Suez Canal-Colombo -Singapore-Hong Kong-Qingdao
AEM2: Qingdao - Tianjin - Busan - Shanghai - Ningbo - Nansha - Yantian - Singapore - Suez Canal - Malta - Valencia - Barcelona - Foss - Genoa - Malta - Beirut - Suez Canal - Jeddah - Klang - Xiamen - Qingdao
AEM3: Busan - Shanghai - Ningbo - Xiamen - Shekou - Singapore - Suez Canal - Port Said - Beirut - Tripoli - Piraeus - Izmit - Amballi - Constanta - Odessa - A Mbali - Port Said - Suez Canal - Jeddah - Klang - Busan
AEM5: Qingdao-Shanghai-Ningbo-Taipei-Yantian-Shekou-Tanjinpalapas-Klang-Suyes Canal-Ashdud-Haifa-Alexander-Mersin-Piraeus-Suez Canal- Jeddah-Tanjung Parapas-Shekou-Kaohsiung-Qingdao
AEM6: Shanghai - Ningbo - Busan - Shekou - Singapore - Suez Canal - Malta - Koper - Trieste - Rijeka - Venice - Koper - Malta - Port Said - Suez Canal - Jeddah - Pakistan Student-Shekou-Shanghai
19 trans-Pacific routes
8 Far East to and from the US Southwest route, diversified high quality service
The direct service of the route covers major ports in China, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia. The West Coast is well covered and has direct services to Long Beach, Los Angeles, Auckland, Tacoma and Princes Harbor. High-frequency services are provided at major ports in South China. Week 4 service; 3 classes per week in major ports in East China and North China; 1 service per week at major ports in Southeast Asia. The fast-track service in the sub-region allows us to provide market-leading delivery services in all regions, providing customers with the fastest transportation solutions.
AAS2: Fuqing - Nansha - Hong Kong - Yantian - Xiamen - Los Angeles - Auckland - Fuqing
CEN: Tianjin-Qingdao-Shanghai-Ningbo-Prince Port-Los Angeles-Auckland-Tianjin
SEA2:(AWE5)-Klang-Singapore-Jakarta-Linchaban-Game-Los Angeles-Auckland-Hong Kong-(AWE5)
AAC2: Qingdao-Shanghai-Ningbo-Los Angeles-Auckland-Tokyo-Qingdao
AAS: Kaohsiung - Gemei - Hong Kong - Yantian - Kaohsiung - Long Beach - Kaohsiung
AAS3: Taipei-Xiamen-Shekou-Yantian-Los Angeles-Auckland-Taipei
AAS4: Yantian-Hong Kong-Kaohsiung-Taipei-Los Angeles-Oakland-Tacoma-Kaohsiung-Yantian
AAC4: Ningbo-Shanghai-Busan-Long Beach-Busan-Ningbo
4 Far East to and from the US Northwest route, full coverage of services
The direct service of the route covers all major ports in China, Japan and South Korea. The West Coast area is well covered and has direct service to Princes Port, Vancouver, Tacoma and Seattle. The four routes have different services. The MPNW is the first to hang in Seattle and CPNW. The first west of the prince port, the EPNW Meixi first Tacoma and the OPNW West West are the first to be linked to Vancouver. Each of the beautiful West Coast Ports and the comprehensive Far East Ports make the products more advantageous, efficient and orderly, and provide customers with reliable transportation services.
MPNW: Yantian-Xiamen-Ningbo-Shanghai-Busan-Seattle-Vancouver-Yantian
CPNW: Hong Kong - Yantian - Ningbo - Shanghai - Princes Port - Vancouver - Yokohama - Shanghai - Hong Kong
EPNW: Yantian-Kaohsiung-Shanghai-Ningbo-Tacoma-Vancouver-Tokyo-Osaka-Qingdao-Yantian
OPNW: Shekou-Hong Kong-Yantian-Kaohsiung-Vancouver-Seattle-Busan-Kaohsiung-Shekou
7 Far East to and from the US East Coast, excellent service quality
The direct service of the route covers major ports in China, South Korea and Southeast Asia. The East and Mid-America regions are well covered and have direct services such as New York, Norfolk, Savannah, Charleston, Houston and Tampa; 5 routes include 5 Group Meidong Service and 2 groups of US Gulf Service. The five groups of Meidong services have their own advantages, including a group of East China to New York Express and a group of East China to Savana Express, a group of South China to New York Express and a group of South China to Savana Express and a group of Southeast Asia to New York Express Air. The two groups of US Gulf services include a group of South China to the United States Gulf Express and a group of East China to the United States Gulf Express. Our US East Coast Bay route provides customers with reliable service with excellent service, fast schedule, wide coverage and high frequency.
AWE1: Qingdao-Ningbo-Shanghai-Busan-Cologne-Savanna-Charleston-Boston-New York-Cologne-Qingdao
AWE2: Qingdao-Ningbo-Shanghai-Busan-New York-Norfolk-Savannah-Qingdao
AWE3: Xiamen-Hong Kong-Yantian-Kaohsiung-Cologne-Savannah-Baltimore-Norfolk-New York-Xiamen
AWE4: Gemei - Hong Kong - Yantian - Xiamen - Shanghai - Cologne - New York - Savannah - Charleston - Gemei
AWE5: (SEA2) - Hong Kong - Gemei - Singapore - Klang - Colombo - Halifax - New York - Norfolk - Savannah - Charleston - Klang - (SEA2)
GME: Shanghai-Ningbo-Xiamen-Yantian-Houston-Mobil-Tampa-Shanghai
GME2: Singapore-Hong Kong-Shekou-Ningbo-Shanghai-Busan-Houston-Mobil-New Orleans-Tampa-Miami-Singapore
2 transatlantic routes with excellent service quality
The route covers major ports in Europe and the United States; it provides comprehensive coverage and differentiated route services, and has direct services from Europe to New York, Savannah, Charleston, Houston and Miami to continuously enhance the customer experience and always focus on To provide customers with a wider, better, faster and more stable route products.
MENA (outside the league): Foss-Genoa-La Spezia-Barcelona-Valencia-New York-Norfolk-Savannah-Miami-Algeciras-Fos
TAE: Southampton-Antwerp-Rotterdam-Bremenhaven-Le Havre-New York-Norfolk-Savanna-Charleston-Southampton
EAG: Le Havre-Antwerp-Rotterdam-Bremenhaven-Charleston-Miami-Veracruz-Altamira-Houston-New Orleans-Le Havre
(The above-mentioned port order may be further adjusted according to market conditions)
4 Far East to and from Middle East routes, leading service quality
The direct service of the route covers all major ports in China and Southeast Asia. The Middle East is well covered and has direct service to Jubail, Bahrain, Sohar and Hamad. It provides high frequency service and provides weekly service at major ports in East China and South China. 4 classes of service, full supply of space, destination port Jebel Ali 4 times a week service, Daman 3 times a week service. Relying on the Abu Dhabi transit hub, it covers all Middle East countries such as Kuwait, Iraq and Oman. We offer market-leading lead times and provide our customers with the fastest transportation solutions.
MEX: Qingdao-Shanghai-Ningbo-Nansha-Singapore-Jebe Ali-Abu Dhabi-Daman-Abu Dhabi-Klang-Shanghai
MEX2: Busan - Lianyungang - Qingdao - Shanghai - Hong Kong - Shekou - Singapore - Jebel Ali - Dammam - Byblos - Abu Dhabi - Singapore - Nansha - Busan
MEX4: Tianjin-Qingdao-Ningbo-Shekou-Singapore-Sohar-Jebe Ali-Hamade-Daman-Bahrain-Singapore-Yantian-Tianjin
MEX5: Shanghai-Ningbo-Taipei-Shekou-Tanjung Parapas-Klang-Jebe Ali-Umkasar-Jebe Ali-Klang-Hong Kong-Shanghai
2 Far East to and from the Red Sea route, with extensive service coverage
The route covers major ports in China and Southeast Asia; it provides comprehensive coverage and differentiated route services, and has direct services from Jeddah, Sokana, Aqaba and Djibouti to continuously enhance the customer experience. As the main transit port, Jeddah provides network coverage to major ports in the Red Sea region, covering areas such as Aden and Heda in Yemen.
RES1: Tianjin-Qingdao-Ningbo-Nansha-Shekou-Singapore-Jedda-Sokana-Aqaba-Jida-Klang-Ningbo-Tianjin
RES2: Shanghai-Ningbo-Taipei-Xiamen-Shekou-Singapore-Djibouti-Jedda-Sokana-Aqaba-Djibouti-Singapore-Shanghai
(The above-mentioned port order may be further adjusted according to market conditions)

Besides, according to Beyond Shipping, for the Global Shipping Business Network, the first phase will bring dangerous cargo on the chain with blockchain-based technology.
Han Ning, Director China,Drewry said, “the shipping industry is still struggling without much signs of recovery.Demand from US and Europe remains subdued and large newbuildings are scheduled to develier in 2019-2020.Shipping companies need to coordinate capacity through alliances. In the short term, the existence of alliances is quite essential.” 
Han Ning believe, members of Ocean Alliance are likely to have more cooperations based on their advantages and weakness for the second five-year partnership.Furthermore, tranditional container shipping industry are now seeing the development of new technologies and demand for extended supply chain service .In the next five years, those who can better and faster to offer visual, differentiated and all-round serices and firmly to move forward will get a dominant position in the competitive market.

Roy Ma,Senior Editor from Beyond Shipping said, the partnership for the next five years turn out to be a great surprise and come so early. Some market players predict before it is so hard to extending the cooperation especially after Cosco Shipping takeover of OOCL. Friends from France and  Taiwan,China have their own thoughts and the alliance seems  to be isolated and divided. The container shipping market is still disappointing,  but the Ocean Alliance is the most profitable among three alliances, therefore, it is quite resonable to see the renewal of the cooperation.
Beyond Shipping Commented, “Alliances will go further if each memeber has well-matched strength to rival. 2019 would be of great importance to COSCO SHIPPING. With the goal of take a lead in the market, be a front-runner of transformation and stand ahead, renewing the next five-year cooperation will set assurances for all the Alliance memebers.“

From Beyond Shipping
