
2018年12月13日 19时 simic

来源:World Maritime News 2018-12-12

翻译:国际海事信息网 黄子倩 张运鸿
巴尔的摩港(Port of Baltimore)将获得一笔资金,用于将新一个集装箱船泊位加深到50英尺(约合15.24米),以接纳更大型的船舶。
也就是说,马里兰州港务局(Maryland Port Administration)将从美国交通部(US Department of Transportation)获得660万美元的补助金用于西格特码头(Seagirt Marine Terminal)的浚深工程。
马里兰州将投入780万美元,负责运营西格特码头的切萨皮克港(Ports America Chesapeake)将投入1840万美元,预计浚深工程总计花费3270万美元。
此外,美国陆军工程兵团(US Army Corps of Engineers)透露其工作人员已于12月10日开展了疏浚工程,巴尔的摩港的六条航道将清理掉约200万立方码的杂物。
清理出的杂质将从马里兰州水域与巴尔的摩港相连的航道运出,包括柯蒂斯湾(Curtis Bay),克雷格希尔入海口(Craighill Entrance),克雷格希尔海峡(Craighill Channel),克雷格希尔角(Craighill Angle),克雷格希尔上游地区(Craighill Upper Range)以及卡托夫角地区(Cutoff Angle segments)。
Port of Baltimore a Step Closer to Hosting Larger Ships
Port of Baltimore is to receive the funding to deepen the second container berth to 50 feet in order to be able to accommodate larger vessels.
Namely, the Maryland Port Administration will receive USD 6.6 million in US Department of Transportation grant funding to contribute to the deepening project at the Seagirt Marine Terminal.
The state of Maryland will contribute USD 7.8 million and Ports America Chesapeake, which operates the Seagirt Marine Terminal, will add USD 18.4 million for a total project cost of USD 32.7 million.
The second 50-foot deep draft container berth, for which the construction would start in the second half of 2019 and take one year to complete, would allow the Port of Baltimore to handle two supersized container ships simultaneously.
Separately, the US Army Corps of Engineers revealed that its crews launched a dredging project on December 10, which would see around 2 million cubic yards of material removed from six Baltimore Harbor channels.
The work is part of the regular maintenance of the multiple channels that go from the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia all the way into Baltimore Harbor that require periodic dredging to ensure continued safe navigation for vessels going in and out of the Port of Baltimore.
The materials would be removed from channels in Maryland waters that are associated with the Port of Baltimore, including the Curtis Bay, Craighill Entrance, Craighill Channel, Craighill Angle, Craighill Upper Range, and Cutoff Angle segments.
The channels will be dredged to a depth of 51 feet plus one to two feet of allowable overdepth. Work is expected to be completed by early spring 2019.

